Solar Project Development

Source Renewables takes a directive approach early in the development of Solar Energy projects to ensure that the process results in a success. It requires proper management of the projects’ due diligence, managing and negotiating with project stakeholders, installation of systems, financing, and ongoing operational management.

Every detail of the project from a site’s lease and its visibility, engineering, machinery and other technologies must be transparent and of the highest quality to guarantee the minimum amount of risk.

Source Renewables development can be turnkey or its services can be brought in at any stage of a projects’ development. These services include:

  • Securing Land
  • Securing Financing
  • Preliminary Engineering
  • Engineering Reviews
  • EPC Contractor Selection
  • Obtaining Regulatory and Interconnection Approvals and Permits
  • Construction Oversight

The Process [this will be an image]

  1. Site identification
  2. Site assessment for solar viability
  3. Negotiations with landowner for lease agreement or acquisition
  4. Interconnection process/system design
  5. Zoning and site permits
  6. Construction commencement
  7. Approval to operate from host utility — following completion of construction
  8. Ongoing operations and maintenance of the facility by the solar project owner

If you are a landowner, a fund manager, or a company looking to find out what Solar Development project is right for you, please fill out the appropriate ENERGIZE form above!